About Us

We strive to provide an all-inclusive platform for gamers and app users. Our mission is to give honest reviews, tips and tricks, editor's picks, guides, and news about the world of video games and apps. We are your go-to source for discovering new favorites in the gaming space while staying up-to-date on game updates. 

Our Team:  All Aboard, Our Gaming Dream Team!  

Playedgamers.net is powered by our dedicated team members who are passionate about gaming and app culture. Our team consists of professional reviewers who measure both old and new games with a critical eye as well as seasoned gamers who help bring out each game’s unique features. The editors also scour the internet for helpful tips and tricks so that our readers can get ahead in their favorite games more easily. Finally, our writers keep our audience informed with news from within the gaming community so that you don't miss anything important or exciting! 

As the creator of the Apps and Games website Playedgamers.net, I have always been passionate about exploring the latest apps and playing exciting games. The idea of creating a platform where people can discover new apps and games, read reviews, and share their thoughts with like-minded individuals was born out of this passion.

Together with my team, we worked tirelessly to bring this idea to life. I'm Nick my role as the founder and CEO was to oversee the entire project, from conceptualization to launch. Our team consisted of talented developers, designers, and content creators, each with a unique set of skills and expertise.

Our lead developer, Aven, was responsible for building the platform from scratch, while our designer, Sarah, created a visually stunning website that was both user-friendly and easy to navigate. Our content team, led by Tom, worked hard to create engaging reviews and articles that would keep our audience hooked.

Together, we were able to launch the Apps and Games website Playedgamers.net and create a space where people can come together to explore the wonderful world of apps and games.

The Benefits: Unlocking Gaming Possibilities with Us!  

When you use playedgamers.net, you'll have access to a plethora of advantages that will make your experiences even better than before! Here are just three main benefits why you should choose us: 

1) Honest Reviews: We only feature honest reviews from real players; this helps ensure that what you read reflects reality without being biased or exaggerated. As such, when browsing through our site, it’ll be easy for you to pick out which titles deserve your attention versus those which aren’t worth your time or money. 

2) Tips & Tricks: No one likes getting stuck in harder levels; luckily, we offer plenty of tips and tricks to help get gamers through any obstacle they may encounter while playing their favorite games - no matter how challenging they may be! This makes it easier for everyone involved when it comes time to progress further into their adventure without worrying about running into any difficulties along the way.  

3) Editor's Picks: When there are just too many options available, sometimes it can be hard deciding on what game or app would best suit your needs - but not anymore because here at playedgamers.net, we offer editor's picks where we recommend only those titles which have been tested by us personally (and passed!) ensuring that whatever title chosen will give its user a great experience overall!  

History Of Creation: Building a Community Around Gaming 

playedgamers.net was founded in 2020 by two gaming enthusiasts who wanted to create a platform where gamers and app users could come together and share their experiences. Over time, our team grew as more passionate individuals joined us on this journey. We are now proud to say that Video Games & Apps has become essential place for gamers and app users all over the world! 

Join Our Ever-Growing Community Today! 

Playedgamers.net, we understand how important it is for everyone to have access to reliable reviews, editor's picks, guides, and news - all of which can be found here in one convenient location! If you're looking for an entertaining yet informative experience, then look no further because playedgamers.net is the right site for you. Join the ever-growing community today and unlock the possibilities of what video games and apps can do with us at your side!