Obsidian Enhances Avowed's Combat System Following Player Feedback

Greg Burn


Obsidian Enhances Avowed's Combat System Following Player Feedback

Obsidian Entertainment, the developer behind the upcoming role-playing game Avowed, is actively working on enhancing the combat based on player feedback from January's Xbox Developer Direct. At that event, the combat was criticized for appearing somewhat lackluster.

In a conversation with TechRadar Gaming, Gabriel Paramo, Avowed's senior gameplay engineer, noted that the Developer Direct was highly beneficial to the team, as it highlighted areas that needed improvement.

Paramo mentioned that when the feedback indicated the combat didn’t look impressive, they immediately prioritized polishing it. They began by focusing heavily on hit reactions for creatures and examining the timing between the player's weapon swing and the hit to ensure it felt much crisper.

The team also concentrated on refining the extreme poses at the start of hit reaction animations, enhancing the blood impact visuals, and ensuring the location of these effects made sense and was noticeable to the player.

Although players haven't seen most of the changes yet, Obsidian is committed to improving all aspects of animation, including visual and auditory feedback.

Avowed doesn't have a set release date, but Obsidian is aiming for a 2024 release. Within that timeframe, players can expect the game to be available on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. Furthermore, it will be accessible on Xbox Game Pass starting from its initial launch day.
